Explore every Skill Tree and Perk in Cyberpunk 2077 with these in-depth guides.
The Street Brawler Skill involves any Melee Weapon that is not a Blade or your Fist. Street Brawler is linked to the Body Attribute.
The Handguns Skill revolves around using small, handheld fire arms such as Pistols and Revolvers. Handguns is linked to the Reflexes Attribute.
The Blades Skill includes held bladed weapons like Knives and Swords as well as Mantis Blades cyberware. These perks also that focus on poison and bleed damage effects. The Blades Skill is linked to the Reflexes Attribute.
The Assault Skill covers both automatic rifles and sniper rifles. Perks in this Skill Tree improve weapon accuracy and sway. The Assault Skill Tree is linked to the Reflexes Attribute.
The Breach Protocol Skill involves hacking computers, doors, turrets and more. Breach Protocol is linked to the Intelligence Attribute.
Quickhacking involves hacking at range. For example, you can hack directly into an enemy’s Cyberware implants, or make a grenade explode in their pocket. Quickhacking is linked to the Intelligence Attribute.
The Crafting Skill increases the quality and effectiveness of your crafted items and helps you gain more when deconstructing items found in the world. Crafting is linked to the Tech Attribute.
The Engineering Skill effects technical interactions with the world such as repairing broken systems as well and also improves your use of Tech Weapons. Engineering is linked to the Tech Attribute.
The Stealth Skill improves your ability to move without being seen and also lets you apply poisons to enemies. The Stealth Skill is linked to the Cool Attribute.
The Cold Blood Skill improves your durability and combat prowess while being in a low health state. Cold Blood is linked to the Cool Attribute.