Pacifica District

Pacifica was supposed to be Night City’s money making vacation resort — a true paradise catering to corporate employees and tourists alike — until it all went to hell that is. Pacific includes two sub-districts: Coast View and West Wind Estate.
The dream for Pacifica came to a painfully abrupt end after uncertainty struck the global economy and corporate investors pulled their funding for the project. Construction work stopped, leaving most buildings unfinished, forever to remain the hulking concrete and steel shells they were at the time. Instead of teeming with tourists, the district is now overrun by poverty, violence, and gangs.
It’s here that Voodoo Boys, a techno-mystical group of netrunners, chose to set up their base of operations. Originating from the Haitian community that settled in Night City after their homeland was ravaged by climate disaster, they took it upon themselves to protect the local community, forsaken and left to fend for themselves by the NCPD.
NCPD Threat Level
WARNING: The Night City Police Department’s current threat level for Pacifica is: CATASTROPHIC. In the absence of city authorities, criminal groups control it, specifically the Voodoo Boys. Members of this gang’s clothing and body modifications often make reference in some way to the vodou religion—hence the reason Night City locals seem to have revived the “Voodoo Boys” name of an earlier, unrelated gang. Furthermore, frequent attacks by “Scavengers” mean many who enter Pacifica leave without vital organs or prized implants.
Coast View & West Wind Estate
By 2070, during the time the Unification War ended, some of the previous investors attempted to restart the Pacifica project. They were unwelcomed b the local community that had taken over the sub-districts and adopted them into favelas. Corporate workers tried to clear the construction area of squatters, but were met with great resistance from the Voodoo Boys. Attempts were made by the NCPD, escalated to a full scale riots that lasted for weeks. Fearing that clearing neighborhood would result in a bloodbath, the chief of the NCPD ordered the withdrawal of police units from the area.
City Council shut down all city services in Pacifica to force the Voodoo Boys and locals to leave. From that time both the West Wind Estate and Coast View districts slowly turned into a new combat zone within Night City. Neither the NCPD or the corporates have any power in this area. Gang fights and drug trafficking are part of the daily routine here, but the locals gotten used to it. Outsiders aren’t welcomed here. In order to get into Pacifica, the Voodoo Boys or one of the locals must give an okay.
Important Locations
Grand Imperial Mall