Engineering Skill Tree And Perks
The Engineering Skill effects technical interactions with the world such as repairing broken systems as well and also improves your use of Tech Weapons. Engineering is linked to the Tech Attribute.
Engineering Skill Tree Perks List
All Perks available for the Engineering Skill Tree are listed below. Perks can be unlocked at specific levels and are either Passive or Active.
Blast Shielding | Reduces damage taken from explosions by (10% | 20% | 30%). (3 Ranks) | ||
Mech Looter | When looting drones, mech and robots, there is a (25% | 50% | 75%) chance of looting a weapon mod or attachment. (3 Ranks) | ||
Draw The Line | Preview bullets’ ricochet trajectory when aiming with Power Weapons if Ballistic Coprocessor cyberware is installed. | ||
Grenadier | The explosion radius of grenades is visible. | ||
Shrapnel | All grenade types deal 20 damage in addition to their normal effects. | ||
Bladerunner | Increases damage to drones, mechs and robots by (20% | 40%). (2 Ranks) | ||
Lock And Load | Increases Smart Weapon reload speed by (5% | 10%). (2 Ranks) | ||
Up To 11 | Allows you to charge Tech Weapons up to (75% | 100%) capacity. (2 Ranks) | ||
Bigger Booms | Grenades deal (5% | 10% | 15% | 20% | 25%) more damage. (5 Ranks) | ||
Play The Angles | Ricochets deal an additional (15% | 30% | 50%). (3 Ranks) | ||
Tesla | Increases the charge multiplier for Tech Weapons by (15% | 35% | 55%). (3 Ranks) | ||
Ubercharge | Fully charged Tech Weapons deal 30% more damage. | ||
Gun Whisperer | Fully charged Tech Weapons do not shoot automatically. Does not apply to revolvers. | ||
Insulation | Grants immunity to Shock. | ||
Can’t Touch This | Grants immunity to all effects from your own grenades. | ||
F All Walls | Reduces the charge amount needed for Tech Weapons to penetrate walls by 30%. | ||
Lickety Split | Tech Weapon charge time is reduced by (10% | 20%). (2 Ranks) | ||
Jackpot | Enables grenades to deal Critical Hits. | ||
Superconductor | Tech Weapons ignore armor. | ||
Revamp | Increases damage from Tech Weapons by 25%. Increases charge damage from Tech Weapons by 10%. +1% charge damage per Perk level. |
Skill Tree Progression Rewards
Every Skill Tree in Cybepunk 2077 also comes with a built-in Skill Progression Rewards System. As you level up any Skill Tree in the game you gain bonus rewards, ranging from extra Perk Points to unique bonuses and stat modifiers. Below are the Skill Progression Rewards for the Engineering Skill Tree:
1 | — |
2 | + 1 Perk Point |
3 | Increases Armor by 3% when using Tech Weapons. |
4 | Decreases Charge Time by 5%. |
5 | Increases Effective Damage Per Second (DPS) by 5% when using Tech Weapons. |
6 | + 1 Perk Point |
7 | Increases Armor by 3% when using Tech Weapons. |
8 | +1 Perk Point |
9 | Increases Crit Chance by 1% when using Tech Weapons. |
10 | +1 Perk Point |
11 | Increases Armor by 4% when using Tech Weapons. |
12 | Increases Thermal Resistance by 5% when using Tech Weapons. |
13 | Increases Crit Chance by 1% when using Tech Weapons. |
14 | +1 Perk Point |
15 | Increases Crit Damage by 10% when using Tech Weapons. |
16 | Increases Armor by 2% when using Tech Weapons. |
17 | +1 Perk Point |
18 | + 1 Perk Point |
19 | Decreases Charge Time by 10%. |
20 | Unlocks the last Perk in the Skill tree. |
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