Cyberpunk 2077 Skills
What Are Skills In Cyberpunk 2077?
There are 12 unique Skills in Cyberpunk 2077. Each Skill Tree has multiple Perks which you can unlock to make your character stronger and grant them more abilities. Skills are linked to the five Attributes in Cyberpunk 2077.
Body | Annihilation, Athletics, Street Brawler |
Reflexes | Handguns, Assault, Blades |
Intelligence | Breach Protocol, Quickhacking |
Technical | Crafting, Engineering |
Cool | Stealth, Cold Blood |
Descriptions of each Skill can be found below.
How Do Skills Level Up In Cyberpunk 2077?
Skills in Cyberpunk 2077 level up as you use them. Want to level up your Handguns skill? Shoot them – a lot! Want to level up Stealth? Be sneaky all the time. The Athletics Skill levels up by Sprinting and so on.
Each Skill Tree Levels up according to the table below:
Annihilation | Damaging enemies with shotguns, LMG’s and HMG’s. Earned when the target is defeated. | Varies by damage dealt. |
Assault | Damaging enemies with rifles and SMG’s. Earned when the target is defeated. | Varies by damage dealt. |
Athletics | Performing Actions that require the Body Attribute to complete. | 100 |
Performing actions with a total cost of 500 or more Stamina. | 25 | |
Blades | Damaging enemies with katanas, knives, one-handed blades and Mantis Blades. Earned when the target is defeated. | Varies by damage dealt. |
Breach Protocol | Quickhacking devices. | 75 |
Performing Actions that require the Intelligence Attribute to complete. | 100 | |
Cold Blood | Performing finishing moves on enemies. | 100 |
Defeating enemies. | Varies based on damage taken. | |
Engineering | Performing actions that require the Technical Ability Attribute to complete. | 100 |
Damaging enemies with grenades. Earned when the target is defeated. | Varies by damage dealt. | |
Damaging enemies with Tech Weapons wall-piercing shots. Earmed when the enemy is defeated. | Varies by damage dealt. | |
Handguns | Damaging enemies with Pistols and Revolvers. Earned when the enemy is defeated. | Varies by damage dealt. |
Quickhacking | Quickhacking enemies. | 75 |
Stealth | Performing a Lethal or Non-Lethal takedown. | 100 |
Concealing bodies in hiding places. | 100 | |
Simultaneous takedown and body hiding. | 200 | |
Damaging enemies with Sneak Attacks. Earmed when the enemy is defeated. | Varies by damage dealt. | |
Street Brawler | Damaging enemies with fists, Blunt Weapons, Gorilla Arms, or the Monowire. Earned when the target is defeated. | Varies by damage dealt. |
Leveling up the Annihilation Skill by using a Shotgun in Cyberpunk 2077.
How Is Maximum Level Determined?
The maximum level of all Skills in Cyberpunk 2077 is completely dependent on your character’s Attributes. Skills cannot rise higher than the Attribute which defines them. For example, if your Reflexes Attribute is 4, your Handguns Skill will also cap at 4. This greatly limits the amount of Perks you can unlock with a Skill, so you will want to think about your character’s Attributes carefully!
Level Up Milestones for all Skill Trees are found below:
1 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 2,000 | 2,000 |
3 | 3,710 | 5,710 |
4 | 5,592 | 11,302 |
5 | 7,661 | 18,964 |
6 | 9,938 | 28,903 |
7 | 12,443 | 41,346 |
8 | 15,197 | 56,544 |
9 | 18,228 | 74,772 |
10 | 21,561 | 96,334 |
11 | 25,228 | 131,563 |
12 | 29,261 | 150,824 |
13 | 33,698 | 184,523 |
14 | 38,579 | 223,102 |
15 | 43,947 | 267,050 |
16 | 49,852 | 316,902 |
17 | 56,348 | 373,251 |
18 | 63,494 | 436,745 |
19 | 71,354 | 508,099 |
20 | 80,000 | 588,099 |
Skill Progression Rewards
As you level up a Skill Tree in Cyberpunk 2077 you will also unlock Skill Progression Rewards for every level obtained (2 – 20). These rewards can be as simple as a free Perk Point or something totally unique to that Skill Tree. For example, progressing to Level 4 in the Handguns Skill Tree reduces the recoil of your pistols and revolvers by 10%.
More information on all Skill Progression Rewards can be found by viewing each Skill Tree found below.
What Are Perks In Cyberpunk 2077?
Each Skill Tree in Cyberpunk 2077 contains around 20 Perks specific to that skill. Perks can be passive such as increased damage or reload speed with a particular weapon or active such as entirely new abilities.
More information on all Skill Trees and their accompanying Perks can be found by exploring the links below.
Body Skills
The Annihilation skill is all about heavy weapons – shotguns, SMG’s and more.
Athletics covers most physical activities in Cyberpunk 2077. This can include forcing open doors, removing turrets from their base, and even using enemies as a human shield.
Street Brawler
The Street Brawler Skill involves any Melee Weapon that is not a Blade (covered in the Blades Skill) or your Fist.
Ripping a turret off its base using the Athletics Skill.
Reflex Skills
The Handguns Skill revolves around using Pistols and Revolvers.
The Assault Skill covers both automatic rifles and sniper rifles. Perks in this Skill Tree improve weapon accuracy and sway, headshot damage and much more.
The Blades Skill includes held bladed weapons like Knives, Swords and even the Mantis Blades cyberware, but also involve perks that focus on mobility, armor and bleed damage effects.
Deflecting bullets with the Katana.
Intelligence Skills
Breach Protocol
The Breach Protocol Skill involves hacking computers, doors, turrets and more.
Quickhacking is essentially hacking at range. For example, you can hack directly into an enemy’s Cyberware implants to blind them, or make a grenade explode in their pocket.
Using the Quickhacking skill to hack a member of the Animals Gang.
Technical Ability Skills
This Skill increases the quality and effectiveness of your crafted items and helps you gain more when deconstructed items found in the world.
The Engineering Skill effects technical interactions with the world such as repairing broken systems as well and also improves your use of Tech Weapons.
Opening a maintenance panel using the Engineering Skill.
Cool Skills
The Skill improves your ability to move around the game without being seen and applying poisons to enemies.
Cold Blood
The Cold Blood Skill improves your durability and combat prowess from defeating enemies. The more enemies you overcome the stronger you get!
Hack The Minotaur (HTM) is a professional Gaming Blogger and Youtube Creator with decades of experience in Gaming. Hack is the owner of HackTheMinotaur.com – an Elder Scrolls focused site for character builds and guides, and now Cyberpunkcentral.com – your source for unique Cyberpunk 2077 guides, builds and more!
Hack loves gaming content, particularly Traditional RPG’s, Action RPG’s and MMO’s. Go check out his YouTube Channel for even more builds and guides on popular series like the Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Cyberpunk and make sure to check out his social media for updates on what content is coming next!
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