Cyberpunk 2077 Guides
Explore the World of Night City and Cyberpunk 2077 with these in-depth game guides.
The five unique Attributes in Cyberpunk 2077 are Body, Intelligence, Reflexes, Technical and Cool. Each Attribute lets you improve specific Skill Trees that contain Perks.
There are 12 unique Skills in Cyberpunk 2077. Each Skill Tree has multiple Perks which you can unlock to make your character stronger and grant them more abilities. Skills are linked to the five Attributes in Cyberpunk 2077.
As part of the character creation process in Cyberpunk 2077 you must choose a lifepath for your character. Your Lifepath determines your starting area and starting missions in the game. The three options for Lifepaths are: Nomad, Street Kid, and Corporate.
Cyberware allows players to enhance their character’s body beyond its human limits with customized cybernetic implants. The three types of Cyberware are Active, Triggered and Passive. Cyberware is installed in one of V’s open body slots.
Cyberpunk 2077 includes melee weapons such as Katanas and guns such as Handguns and Rifles. Guns in Cyberpunk 2077 can be further categorized into Power Weapons, Tech Weapons and Smart Weapons.
Every Car and Vehicle in Cyberpunk 2077 looks unique and offers a unique driving experience. Vehicles can be bought or stolen. The types of Vehicles in Cyberpunk 2077 include Economy Vehicles, Executive Vehicles, Heavy Duty Vehicles, Sport Vehicles, Hypercars and Motorcycles.
Status Effects are negative effects with short durations that can be applied to enemies or the player character during combat such Poison or Burn. Learn more about their types and applications here.
Cyberpunk 2077 Roach Race – NEW Mini Game With BIG REWARDS
Play As Roach From The Witcher Series in Cyberpunk 2077! Roach Race is a new mini-game added to Cyberpunk 2077 as part of Patch 1.6 - players can earn new rewards and challenge themselves with this fun addition to the game!How To Play Roach Race in Cyberpunk 2077...
Cyberpunk 2077 Melee Build – Street Brawler
Build Introduction to the Street Brawler Welcome to a brand new Cyberpunk 2077 Build: The Street Brawler! This build is a balls to the wall melee fighter that manages huge damage spikes with whatever weapon you can get your hands on, from hammers to bats to nothing...
Cyberpunk 2077 Sniper Build – The Tech Sniper
Build Introduction to the Tech Sniper Welcome to a brand new Cyberpunk 2077 Build: The Tech Sniper! This build is all about firing off massive Tech Weapon damage *through walls* to impact the target before they even know what hit them! This build is very handy in any...
Cyberpunk 2077 Katana Build – Ninja Assassin
Build Introduction to the Ninja Assassin Welcome to a brand new Cyberpunk 2077 Build called the Ninja Assassin - a Katana-wielding, stealth specialist who can easily move in and out of the shadows undetected, silencing enemies via Blades, Takedown or Poison on a whim....
Is Crafting Worth It In Cyberpunk 2077?
You may be wondering if investing heavily into Cyberpunk 2077's in-depth crafting system is worth your time. Crafting in cyberpunk 2077 consists of 20 levels and is tied to the Technical Ability stat, so not only do you need to take time leveling the Crafting Skill,...