Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberware
What Is Cyberware In Cyberpunk 2077?
Cyberware allows players to enhance their character’s body beyond its human limits with customized cybernetic implants. Cyberware can be installed in one of V’s open body slots by one of Night City’s many Ripperdocs.
How To Install Cyberware
Cyberware can be installed into any one of V’s open slots by visiting a local Ripperdoc. Because body slots are limited, often times only one type of implant can be added depending on the slot. For example, you cannot use both Mantis Blades and the Projectile Launcher to fill your Arms Slot. To install or equip cyberware you must enter the Ripperdoc menu through the merchant interface. This is even true if you already own the cyberware and are not purchasing anything new. Cyberware you already own will be marked with the OWNED flag and can be installed for free, while new cyberware you can purchase will simply have a price tag in order to install.
Cyberware you already own will be shown with the OWNED tag, while new cyberware can be purchased.
Available Body Slots For Cyberware In Cyberpunk 2077
Each of V’s Body Slots can be equipped with a specific number of Cyberware pieces. Some slots, such as the Frontal Cortex can hold up to 3 unique Cyberware Items at a time, while others, such as the Hands, Arms and Legs, can only be equipped with one unique piece of Cyberware.
Location | Slots |
Frontal Cortex | 3 |
Ocular System | 1 |
Circulatory System | 3 |
Immune System | 2 |
Nervous System | 2 |
Integumentary System | 3 |
Operating System | 1 |
Skeleton | 2 |
Hands | 1 |
Arms | 1 |
Legs | 1 |
V has many Cyberware slots available for customization.
Cyberware Rarity
Much like armor and weapons, cyberware implants also come in different rarities. Oftentimes however, the only difference between rarities of cyberware is the amount of mods that can be installed or a slight increase in efficiency. In Cyberpunk 2077, cyberware rarities are as follows from weakest to strongest.
The Raven Microcyber Mk. 4, an example of a legendary cyberware implant.
Active vs. Passive Cyberware
Most cyberware implants apply their effects passively and do not need to be triggered. Some less common cyberware types must be actively triggered such as Optical Camo (going invisible) or the Sandevistan (slowing time).
All Cyberware Implants By Type
This list includes every possible Cyberware Implant for each of V’s 11 cyberware implant slots.
Ciculatory System
Bioplastic Blood Vessels | Increases Health Regeneration outside of combat. |
Syn-Lungs | Increases Stamina Regeneration. |
BioConductor | Decreases cyberware Cooldowns. |
Second Heart | Revives you if your health is fully depleted. |
Blood Pump | Activate to instantly restore Health. |
BioMonitor | Restores Health when total drops below 15% Health. |
MicroGenerator | Releases EMP Blast damaging nearby enemies when your Health drops below 15%. |
Adrenaline Booster | Defeating an enemy restores Stamina. |
Feedback Circuit | Discharging a fully charged weapon restores Health. |
Tyrosine Injector | Increases Breach Protocol duration. |
Frontal Cortex
Self-ICE | Prevents enemy netrunners from hacking you. |
Limbic System Enhancement | Increases Crit Chance. |
Visual Cortex Support | Increases Crit Damage. |
Ex-Disk | Increase Max RAM. |
RAM Upgrade | Increase RAM Recovery. |
Heal-On-Kill | Defeating an enemy restores Health. |
Memory Boost | Defeating an enemy restores RAM. |
Camillo RAM Manager | Instantly restores RAM when it drops to 2 units or less. |
Mechatronic Core | Increases damage done to Drones, Androids, and Mechs. |
Ballistic Coprocessor | Increases ricochet potential when using Power Weapons. |
Smart Link | Enables auto-targeting with Smart Weapons and increases their efficiency and Crit Damage. |
Mantis Blades | Two deadly blades useful for melee combat and lunges. |
Gorilla Arms | Turns your fists into deadly weapons. |
Projectile Launch System | Fires missles over long distances. |
Monowire | A self-charging wire that can lash multiple enemies. |
Reinforced Tendons | Enables you to perform double jumps. |
Fortified Ankles | Enables you to perform charged jumps. |
Lynx Paws | You make less noise when moving. |
Ocular System
Kiroshi Optics | Enables optic zoom and analysis. |
Immune System
Detoxifier | Grants immunity to poison. |
Metabolic Editor | Getting poisoned restores Health per second. |
Inductor | Getting EMP’d boosts armor. |
Cataresist | Increases all resistances. |
Shock-n-Awe | When hit, you have a chance to release an electroshock blast. |
Pain Editor | Reduces all incoming damage. |
Nervous System
Kerenzikov | Attacking, aiming or blocking while sliding or dodging triggers time dilation. |
Synaptic Accelerator | Grants time dilation when you are detected by enemies. |
Reflext Tuner | Grants time dilation when your Health drops below 25%. |
Neofiber | Increases Evasion. |
Maneuvering System | Enables you to perform a dodge while airborne. |
Synaptic Signal Optimizer | Increases duration of Sandevistan and Kerenzikov. |
Integumentary System
Subdermal Armor | Adds bonus armor. |
Fireproof Coating | Grants full immunity to Burn. |
Supra-Dermal Weave | Grants full immunity to Bleeding. |
Grounding Plating | Grants full immunity to Shock. |
Optical Camo | Activate to turn almost invisible. |
Heat Converter | The Burn Status Effect increases the damage you deal instead of harming you. |
Microrotors | Increases Melee Attack Speed. |
Endoskeleton | Increases Max Health. |
Bionic Lungs | Increases Max Stamina. |
Titanium Bones | Increases Carrying capacity. |
Microvibration Generator | Increases Melee Weapon Damage. |
Bionic Joints | Reduces recoil. |
Dense Marrow | Increases Melee Weapon Damage but increases Stamina drain. |
Militech Paraline | Short Circuit and Reboot Optics quickhacks already installed. |
Arasaka Mk. 3 | Cost of stealth quickhacks is reduced by 1. Combat quickhacks have 30% increased duration. Quickhacking a Pinged enemy refreshes Ping duration. |
Arasaka Mk. 4 | Cost of stealth quickhacks is reduced by 2. Combat quickhacks have 40% increased duration. Quickhacking a Pinged enemy refreshes Ping duration. |
BioDyne Mk. 1 | — |
BioDyne Mk. 2 | Increases RAM recovery rate by 3 units per 60 seconds. |
Biotech Mk. 1 | Increases RAM recovery rate by 6 units per 60 seconds. |
Biotech Mk. 2 | Increases RAM recovery rate by 9 units per 60 seconds. Quickhacks deal 10% more damage. |
Biotech Mk. 3 | Increases RAM recovery rate by 9 units per 60 seconds. Quickhacks deal 20% more damage. |
Fuyutsui Electronics | — |
Fuyutsui Tinkerer | Increases RAM recovery rate by 9 units per 60 seconds. Quickhack spread distance increased by 40%. Combat quickhacks have 50% increased duration. |
NetWatch Netdriver Mk. 5 | Increases RAM recovery rate by 9 units per 60 seconds. Quickhack spread distance increased by 60%. Combat quickhacks can be uploaded on 3 targets within a 6-meter radius. Quickhacks deal 30% more damage. |
Raven Microfiber Mk. 3 | Increases RAM recovery rate by 3 units per 60 seconds. Enemy netrunners need 50% more time to hack you. Quickhack spread distance increased by 40%. |
Raven Microfiber Mk. 4 | Increases RAM recovery rate by 6 units per 60 seconds. Enemy netrunners need 100% more time to hack you. Quickhack spread distance increased by 60%. |
Seacho Electronics Mk. 1 | Cost of stealth quickhacks is reduced by 1. |
Seacho Electronics Mk. 2 | Cost of stealth quickhacks is reduced by 1. Upload time is reduced by 25%. |
Stephenson Tech Mk. 2 | Duration of combat quickhacks +30%. All quickhacks have cooldown reduced by 25%. |
Stephenson Tech Mk. 3 | Duration of combat quickhacks +40%. All quickhacks have cooldown reduced by 45%. |
Stephenson Tech Mk. 4 | Duration of combat quickhacks +50%. All quickhacks have cooldown reduced by 45%. Upload time is reduced by 25%. |
Tetratronic Mk. 1 | Quickhacks deal 10% more damage. |
Tetratronic Mk. 2 | Quickhacks deal 20% more damage. Cost of ultimate quickhacks is reduced by 1. |
Tetratronic Mk. 3 | Quickhacks deal 30% more damage. Cost of ultimate quickhacks is reduced by 2. |
Tetratronic Rippler Mk. 4 | Ultimate quickhacks can spread once. Cost of ultimate quickhacks is reduced by 3. Upload time is reduced by 75%. All quickhacks have cooldown reduced by 45%. |
Operating System
Zetatech Sandevistan | Activate to Dilate time. While active, Crit Chance is increased. |
Dynalar Sandevistan | Activate to Dilate time. While active, Damage Dealt is increased. |
Qiant Sandevistan | Activate to Dilate time. While active, Crit Chance and Damage Dealt is increased. |
Militech “Falcon” Sandevistan | Activate to Dilate time. While active, Crit Chance, Crit Damage and Damage Dealt is all increased. |
Moore Tech Berserk | Activate to reduce Recoil and Weapon Sway. Increases Melee Damage and Armor. |
Biodyne Berserk | Activate to reduce Recoil and Weapon Sway. Increases Melee Damage and Armor. |
Zetatech Berserk | Activate to reduce Recoil and Weapon Sway. Increases Melee Damage and Armor. Defeating enemies restores health. |
Militech Berserk | Activate to reduce Recoil and Weapon Sway. Increases Melee Damage, Armor, Max Health and Max Stamina. Defeating enemies restores health. |
Is it possible to play Cyberpunk 2077 without Cyberware?
Unfortunately, no. Part of the early game’s story requires you to install two, very basic Cyberware pieces in order to progress. These two pieces are the Keroshi Eye and the Dermal Grip. Other than these, you are free to use or not use Cyberware as you please.
Installing the Keroshi Eye as part of the main questline in Cyberpunk 2077.
Hack The Minotaur (HTM) is a professional Gaming Blogger and Youtube Creator with decades of experience in Gaming. Hack is the owner of HackTheMinotaur.com – an Elder Scrolls focused site for character builds and guides, and now Cyberpunkcentral.com – your source for unique Cyberpunk 2077 guides, builds and more!
Hack loves gaming content, particularly Traditional RPG’s, Action RPG’s and MMO’s. Go check out his YouTube Channel for even more builds and guides on popular series like the Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Cyberpunk and make sure to check out his social media for updates on what content is coming next!
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