7 Insane Cyberpunk 2077 Builds
These 7 Amazing Build Ideas are a great place to start planning your journey into Cyberpunk 2077! This page will also be updated frequently as more Perks, Weapons, Armor and Cyberware gets discovered – so feel free to bookmark it and return often!
What Makes Up A Character Build In Cyberpunk 2077?
Cyberpunk 2077 uses a fluid class system which means your character is fully customizable from start to finish. The main components of any Cyberpunk 2077 build include:
- Attributes
- Skills & Perks
- Weapons
- Armor
- Cyberware
- Mods
- Lifepath
I’ll give you a brief overview in this article about each of the above systems to help you understand the build process better, but we also have more detailed guides for each component here in our Guides section.
First, Attributes are the Core Stats of all character builds in Cyberpunk 2077. You begin the game by choosing specific starting values for all of your Attributes during the character creation process, but you can also put additional points into Attributes during the game as you level up.
The five Attributes of Cyberpunk 2077 are Body, Intelligence, Reflexes, Technical Ability and Cool.

Choosing Attributes during Character creation.
Each Attribute is linked to several Skill Trees which help you further define your character by improving those skills and choosing perks. For example, the Reflexes Attribute defines how good you can become using Assault Rifles, Handguns and Blades, each of which have their own separate skill trees with further unique perks in each. The Intelligence Attribute defines how good you can become at Breach Protocol and Quickhacking, The Technical Ability Attribute defines how good you can become at Crafting and Engineering, and so on.
So Attributes and Skills work together. Your Skill Trees also cannot be leveled higher than the Attribute that they are linked to, so if you’re building for a Sniper, not only will you need a high Assault Skill, but you’ll also need lots of points put into Reflexes to unlock higher abilities in the Assault Skill Tree.
Of course Weapons, Armor and even Mods will play a big role in defining your character’s build in Cyberpunk 2077, as will your decision to use Cyberware or not. Cyberware is basically special gear equipped directly within your body that can further amplify your abilities, giving you even greater strength, speed, reflexes and much more.

Lifepath is also chosen during the character creation process. The 3 options are: Nomad, Streetkid and Corpo.
Now that you understand the basics, let’s dive right into these amazing build ideas!
Cyberpunk Edgerunners Builds
In addition to the powerful Cyberpunk 2077 Builds below, we are working on creating new Cyberpunk builds inspired by the Edgerunners Anime! Keep checking this section for more!
Learn to dominate Night City using David Martinez’s Powerful Sandevistan Brawler Build from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners!
Build #1 – The Ninja Assassin
Kicking off our list at number one is the Ninja Assassin, a deadly predator ready to dominate the districts of Night City and beyond. This character focuses on a combination of agility and stealth to make for an extremely versatile and fun to play build!

Primary Attributes
For Attributes you’ll want to focus on two key stats for this build, that being Reflexes and Cool.
Under the Reflexes Attribute we’ll have the very important Blades Skill Tree which will improve your prowess with handheld swords like Katanas, Knives and even the powerful Mantis Blades Cyberware.
The Perks within the Blades Skill Tree have a strong Ninja-based theme already, making them perfect for improving this build over time.
Best Blades Skill Tree Perks
Sting Like A Bee | Increases attack speed with Blades by (10% | 20% | 30%). (3 Ranks) |
Slow And Steady | Moving while wielding a Blade increases Armor by (15% | 30%). (2 Ranks) |
Blessed Blade | Increases Crit Chance with Blades by 10%. |
Judge, Jury and Executioner | Increases damage with Blades by (50% | 75% | 100%) against enemies with max Health. (3 Ranks) |
Deathbolt | While wielding a Blade, defeating an enemy restores 20% Health and increases movement speed by 30% for 5 seconds. |
In addition to focusing on Reflexes, don’t forget to drop some points into your Cool Attribute as well. Within the Cool Stat we’ll have access to the Ninjutsu (formerly Stealth) Skill Tree, adding greater mobility and deadly sneak attacks to our build.
Best Ninjutsu Skill Tree Perks
Crouching Tiger | Increases movement speed while sneaking by 20%. |
Silent And Deadly | Increases damage dealt by silenced weapons by 25% while sneaking. |
Dagger Dealer | Enables knife throwing. A thrown knife returns to the hand after the time given in its description or immediately upon pickup. |
Sniper | Increases headshot damage outside combat by (10% | 20%). (2 Ranks) |
Cutthroat | Increases melee damage dealt to target enemy by (40% | 80%) for 6 seconds after hitting them with a thrown Knife. (2 Ranks) |
From The Shadows | Upon entering combat, Crit Chance increases by (10% | 20%) for 7 seconds. (2 Ranks) |
Looking Sharp | Headshots with thrown Knives apply Blinding to the target. |
Let’s talk Weapons next.
In terms of weaponry, this build will focus almost entirely on mastering the art of the Katana. While there are other Bladed weapon options in the game such as Mantis Blades or Knives, the Katanas available in Cyberpunk 2077 fit the theme of this build more than anything else. Not only that, but the many Iconic Katanas available have some very powerful and unique effects!
My personal favorite Iconic Katana is the Satori. This blade is available as part a main mission early on in the game. Not only can this weapon do great base damage, but the Crit Damage multiplier is off the charts! This fantastic Katana serves as the centerpiece weapon for the Ninja Assassin build. For more information on the Satori Katana as well as other options make sure to check out the Full Written Guide.

The centerpiece cyberware option for this build will be the Sandevistan. Multiple different forms and rarities of the Sandevistan exist in Cyberpunk 2077, available from different manufacturers. The exact model you pick up does not make a huge difference, though higher quality pieces will grant you better stats and more time spent in Time Dilation mode.
Speaking of Time Dilation, this effect from the Sandevistan is absolutely brutal when combined with the high Critical Damage this build can put out. Simply enter Time Dilation mode, then sprint and Slice your way through every target on the battlefield.

Life Path
Your Life Path choice is up to you but, in my mind, the Ninja Assassin works best with a Corpo Life Path character. There’s just something about a cleanly pressed suit and a sharp blade that screams Ninja to me.
Complete Ninja Assassin Build Guide
Updated 12/28: The Ninja Assassin Now has a Complete Written Build Guide! You can see every required Perk as well as starting and final attribute distributions, and recommended weapons and cyberware!
A Katana-wielding, stealth specialist who can easily move in and out of the shadows undectected, silencing enemies via Blade, takedown or Poison on a whim.
Build #2 – The Street Brawler
Next up we have the Street Brawler build, a balls to the wall fighter, in your face Melee build for the ages.

Primary Attributes
For Attributes, the Street Brawler will want to focus early on the Body Stat which we know will passively increase your maximum health, stamina, and other physical characteristics. The Body Stat also unlocks the appropriately named Street Brawler Skill Tree for this build which focuses on pure, brutal melee damage.
Important Street Brawler Skill Tree Perks
Dazed | All attacks with Blunt Weapons have a 15% chance to apply Stun. |
Efficient Blows | Reduces the Stamina cost of all attacks with Blunt Weapons by 25%. |
Thrash | Strong Attacks with Blunt Weapons reduce the target’s Armor by 30% for 10 seconds. |
Frenzy | Defeating an enemy increases damage with Blunt Weapons by 100% for 10 seconds. |
Equally important under the Body Attribute will be the Athletics Skill Tree for this build which further enhances our ability to perform physically in combat. Some great Athletics Perks for the Street Brawler build are below:
Important Athletics Skill Tree Perks
Regeneration | Slowly regenerates health in combat. |
Gladiator | Reduces damage taken while blocking by 20%. |
Invincible | Increases maximum health by 10%. |
Super Hero Landing | Reduces fall damage by 5%. |
Hard Mother | At the start of a fight, armor and resistance are increased by 20% for 10 seconds. |
Weapons & Armor
For weapons the idea is for this build to focus on Melee weapons first with some options for hand to hand combat as well. Early on we’ll want to find the biggest, heaviest two-handed melee weapon we can find. Later on, the Iconic Gold-Plated Baseball Bat is another fantastic option!
For armor mods, look out for specific items with increased movement speed as well as bonus Crit Chance or Crit Damage.

As a Melee Build that relies on Brute Force you can expect to take some serious damage on this build. For this reason you will want to boost your Maximum Health as high as possible. This can be done using the Synaptic Signal Optimizer Cyberware. Make sure to check out the Full Written Guide for even more powerful cyberware options for this build!

Life Path
Finally for the Life Path of the Street Brawler, choosing Street kid makes the most sense from a thematic point of view. What better story than a kid from the streets becoming king of night city?
Complete Street Brawler Build Guide
Updated 12/30: The Street Brawler Now has a Complete Written Build Guide! You can see every required Perk as well as starting and final attribute distributions, and recommended weapons and cyberware!
This Beat-Em-Up Brawler Build uses a combination of Melee Weapons, Fists, and Insane Speed to pulverize your enemies into submission.
Build #3 – The Tech Sniper
This build is all about firing off massive Tech Weapon damage *through walls* to impact the target before they even know what hit them! This build is very handy in any type of fight: from medium or even close distances due to the flexible nature of the Tech Precision Rifle, and of course from long distances using a fully speced out Tech Sniper Rifle.

Primary Attributes
The primary stat for this build is going to be the Reflexes Attribute, and that’s simply because Reflexes gives us access to the Assault Skill Tree and it’s accompanying Perks. For example, the Punisher Perk removes weapon sway for 10 seconds after killing an enemy.
Best Assault Skill Tree Perks
Bulletjock | Increases damage with Rifles and Submachine Guns by (3% | 6% | 10%). (3 Ranks) |
Bullseye | Increases Rifle and Submachine Gun damage while aiming by 10%. |
Executioner | Deal 25% more damage with Rifles and Submachine Guns to enemies whose Health is above 50%. |
Nerves Of Steel | Increases headshot damage with Sniper Rifles and Precision Rifles by (10% | 15%). (2 Ranks) |
Long Shot | Rifle and Submachine Gun damage increases the farther you are located from enemies. |
Savage Stoic | Increases damage with Rifles and Submachine guns by 35% when standing still. |
Punisher | After defeating an enemy with a Rifle or Submachine Gun, weapon sway is nullified and weapon spread does not increase for 10 seconds. |
For even more extra weapon power some Attribute points put into Technical Ability is going to make this build really stand out. The Technical Ability Stat is linked to the Crafting Skill Tree which will let us upgrade our weapons.
Important Crafting Skill Tree Perks
Edgerunner Artisan | Allows you to craft Legendary items. |
Our Technical Ability will also be linked to the Engineering Skill Tree which is going to let us further refine our weapon skills with Perks like the following:
Best Engineering Skill Tree Perks
Bladerunner | Increases damage to drones, mechs and robots by (20% | 40%). (2 Ranks) |
Up To 11 | Allows you to charge Tech Weapons up to (75% | 100%) capacity. (2 Ranks) |
Tesla | Increases the charge multiplier for Tech Weapons by (15% | 35% | 55%). (3 Ranks) |
Ubercharge | Fully charged Tech Weapons deal 30% more damage. |
Gun Whisperer | Fully charged Tech Weapons do not shoot automatically. Does not apply to revolvers. |
Lickity Split | Tech Weapon charge time is reduced by (10% | 20%). (2 Ranks) |
Superconductor | Tech Weapons ignore armor. |
Revamp | Increases damage from Tech Weapons by 25%. Increases charge damage from Tech Weapons by 10%. +1% charge damage per Perk level. |
And speaking of weapons, this is where the Tech Sniper will have multiple, amazing build options. First, yes, there is an entire class of Tech Weapons including the Tech Sniper Rifle and Tech Precision Rifle. These weapons are ultra powerful. You can for example, charge up electromagnetic rounds that pierce through concrete walls, destroying enemies on the other side. We can also access a separate class of Smart Weapons that utilize missle-guided technology to automatically seek and target enemies on the battlefield for us.
One of my favorite options for this build is the Unique Widow Maker Tech Precision Rifle. This amazing rifle fires additional rounds with every shot and does bonus poison damage to enemies, making this build truly lethal – both at medium and long range. For information on how to get the Widow Maker Rifle as well as even more powerful options for this build make sure to check out the Full Written Guide.

In terms of cyberware, the ocular implant known as the Keroshi Optics scanner will be able to help this build do even more brutal damage to targets. This is because Keroshi Optics, like all cyberware options in Cyberpunk 2077 comes with powerful mods that can be slotted. The Trajectory Analysis mod for Keroshi Optics adds an incredible +25% bonus headshot damage to this build. Ouch!

Life Path
Finally, your chosen Life Path is of course up to you, but for me the Nomad Life Path makes sense as that outdoor lifestyle and time spent out on the badlands probably has given us plenty of time to refine our shot.
Complete Tech Sniper Build Guide
Updated! The Tech Sniper Now has a Complete Written Build Guide! You can see every required Perk as well as starting and final attribute distributions, and recommended weapons and cyberware!
Eliminate your opponents from long range and *through walls* – before they know what hit them!
Build #4 – The Strong Solo
Build #4 is sure to be a favorite for many players and that’s the strong solo build, Cyberpunk 2077’s equivalent of Rambo or the Terminator – utilizing machine guns and shotguns to maim and destroy everything in our path.

Primary Attributes
Your primary Attribute for going with the strong Solo build is going to again be the body stat – similar to the Street Brawler build we saw previously – as this will unlock higher health, stamina and physical capabilities for our build. In addition, the Body Stat leads to the Annihilation Skill Tree, a set of skills and perks designed specifically for the light machine gun and shotguns.
Best Annihilation Skill Tree Perks
Hail Of Bullets | Shotguns and Light Machines Guns deal (3% | 6% | 10%) more damage. (3 Ranks) |
Dead Center | Increases damage to torsos from Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by (10% | 20%). (2 Ranks) |
Massacre | Increases Crit Damage with Shotguns and Light Machine Guns by (10% | 20% | 30%). (3 Ranks) |
Burn Baby Burn | Doubles the duration of burn. |
Manic | When entering combat using a Shotgun or Light Machine Gun, your movement speed increases by 20% for 10 seconds. |
Bloodbath | Dismembering enemies reduces weapon recoil by 30% for 6 seconds. +1% per Perk level. |
In addition, we will also want to focus heavily on the Athletics Skill Tree to further our Physical capabilities. One absolutely essential Perk for this heavy weapons will be Pack Mule which doubles our current carrying capacity and the Mutlitasker Perk which Lets you shoot while sprinting, sliding and jumping at the same time.
Best Athletics Skill Tree Perks
Pack Mule | Increases carrying capacity by 60. |
Wolverine | Health regeneration activates (20% | 40% | 60%) faster during combat. (3 Ranks) |
Multitasker | Lets you shoot while sprinting, sliding and jumping at the same time. |
Divided Attention | Allows you to reload weapons while sprinting, sliding and vaulting. |
Tenacious V | Getting hit does not interrupt Health regeneration. |
Invincible | Increases max Health by 15%. |
Indestructible | Reduces all incoming damage by 10%. |
As for weapons and armor, a great option for the Strong Solo will be Power Weapons like the Carnage Shotgun. These more closely resemble real world weapons but with the added benefit of being able to easily ricochet bullets off of nearby surfaces to destroy targets hiding behind cover. For the complete list of recommend weapons, see the Strong Solo Complete Build Guide.

You’re bound to face a LOT of incoming fire as a Strong Solo style build in Cyberpunk 2077. Keep in mind that enemy damage also increases substantially on higher level difficulty levels in this game. With that in mind, defensive cyberware will be your best choice on this build. In particular, sub-dermal armor plating can add some extra resistances to your build, and higher level forms like the Fireproof Coating can even make you invulnerable to certain status effects like Burning.

Life Path
Finally, for Life Path I would probably go with the Street Kid Life Path for this specific build. Street Kids are survivors and the Strong Solo is the ultimate Survivor style build!
Complete Strong Solo Build Guide
Updated! The Strong Solo Now has a Complete Written Build Guide! You can see every required Perk as well as starting and final attribute distributions, and recommended weapons and cyberware!
Experience the Brutal, Unstoppable Power of the Strong Solo build for Cyberpunk 2077. This build specializes in Shotguns, LMGs, high resistances and high Health Recovery.
Build #5 – The Netrunner Ghost
Number 5 on our list is the Netrunner Ghost Build. Netrunners in the world Cyberpunk 2077 are the elite hackers of Night City, able to bend the will of surrounding technologies to do their bidding, often with deadly effect. Destroy your enemies without firing a single shot!

Primary Attributes
The Primary Attributes for a Netrunner playstyle will include Intelligence and Cool. Intelligence is especially important as it unlocks two hacking focused Skill Trees: Breach Protocol and Quickhacking.
Breach Protocol lets you interact with the world around you in many unique ways by hacking into devices that you find such as security cameras, turrets, electronic locks and more – often allowing you to progress through quests and locations in the world without firing a traditional weapon. This can take time, so perks which allow us to Hack into devices more quickly and effectively would be my first choice.
Best Breach Protocol Skill Tree Perks
Big Sleep | Unlocks the Big Sleep daemon, which disables all cameras in the network for 3 minutes. (2 Ranks) |
Mass Vulnerability | Unlocks the Mass Vulnerability daemon, which reduces the Physical Resistance for all enemies in the network by 30% for (3 | 6) minutes. (2 Ranks) |
Almost In! | Increases the breach time for Breach Protocol by (20% | 40%). (2 Ranks) |
Advanced Datamine | Upgrades the Datamine daemon, increasing the amount of eurodollars acquired from Access Points by (50% | 100%). (2 Ranks) |
Buffer Optimizer | Increases the duration of daemon effects by 100%. |
Turret Tamer | Unlocks the Turret Tamer daemon, which sets the status of every turret in the network to friendly for (3 | 6) minutes. (2 Ranks) |
Transmigration | Increase Breach time protocol by 50% |
That brings us to Quickhacking, which is a separate Skill Tree and set of Perks designed to help you hack enemies from afar. For example, you can hack directly into an enemy’s Cyberware implants, or make a tech grenade explode in their pocket!
Best Quickhacking Skill Tree Perks
Biosynergy | Allows RAM to recover during combat. Recover (4 | 8 | 12) RAM units every 60 seconds. (3 Ranks) |
Bloodware | Quickhacks deal (10% | 20% | 30%) more damage. (3 Ranks) |
I Spy | Reveals an enemy netrunner when they’re attempting to hack you. |
Daisy Chain | Eliminating a target affected by a quickhack reduces the existing cooldowns for all other active quickhacks by (10% | 35% | 50%). (3 Ranks) |
Weak Link | Reduces the required cyberdeck RAM for quickhacks used on devices by (1 | 2 | 3) unit(s). (3 Ranks) |
Subliminal Message | Quickhacks deal (50% | 100%) more damage to unaware targets. (2 Ranks) |
Plague | Quickhacks that spread can jump to (1 | 2 | 3) additional target(s). (3 Ranks) |
Critical Error | Quickhacks can now deal Crit Hits based on your Crit Chance and Crit Damage stats. |
Finally, if you want to avoid combat altogether as a Netrunner you will likely want to use the Ninjutsu Skill (formely known as Stealth) as we did on the Ninja Assassin build. This of course mean we’ll need some investment into the Cool Attribute for the aformentioned Ninjutsu Skill Tree.
We want to focus on mobility and stealth for this build, maintaining enough range from enemies to enable us to perform hacks at will. With this in mind, long range weapons that can be silenced but also pack a punch will be ideal. This will include Pistols and even Sniper Rifles.
Cyberware and Quickhacks
In terms of Cyberware, we’ll need to invest heavily into Operating Systems, and specifically Cyberdecks. Cyberdecks allow you to run Quickhacks, up to 6 at a time, like Short Circuit to fry our enemies own tech, or Ping to review the area and even see through walls.
For more information on the best Quickhacks and their Legendary Effects see our guide for The Best Quickhacks in Cyberpunk 2077.
Life Path
Any Life Path can be a Netrunner, but I like both Corpo and Street Kid for this particular build. Corpos of course would have access to the best tech with access to corporate gear and software while I think Street Kids will have an innate sense for using Technology and could also be highly skilled Netrunners.
Complete Netrunner Ghost Build Guide
Updated! The Netrunner Ghost has a Complete Written Build Guide updated for 1.6! You can see every required Perk as well as starting and final attribute distributions, and recommended quickhacks and cyberware!
Destroy your enemies without lifting a finger and completely from Stealth! The Ghost Netrunner build is one of the most powerful ways to play Cyberpunk 2077!
Build #6 – The Gun-Fu Expert
Build #6 is one of my personal favorites and that’s the Gun-Fu Expert. With Gun-Fu, we are of course focusing on Pistols with some added melee or martial arts combat for flavor.

Primary Attributes
Now luckily Handguns do have their own specialized Skill Tree in Cyberpunk 2077 which connects to the Reflexes Attribute, so you will want to invest heavily in Reflexes when starting out. This will let us focus on aimed shots to specific body parts for extra damage and huge Critical Damage spikes. You can also slow down time to make it even easier to land your shots, though this is related to Cyberware specifically.
Best Handguns Skill Tree Perks
Gunslinger | Reduces reload time for Pistols and Revolvers by (10% | 15% | 25%). (3 Ranks) |
Rio Bravo | Increases headshot damage multiplier with Pistols and Revolvers by (5% | 10% | 15%). (3 Ranks) |
Desperado | Increases damage with Pistols and Revolvers by (3% | 6% | 10%). (3 Ranks) |
Long Shot Pop Drop | Increases damage with Pistols and Revolvers to enemies 5+ meters away by (15% | 25%). (2 Ranks) |
O.K. Corral | Deal 50% more damage with Pistols and Revolvers to enemies whose Health is below 25%. |
A Fistful Of Eurodollars | Increases Crit Damage with Pistols and Revolvers by (15% | 30%). (2 Ranks) |
Grand Finale | The last round in a Pistol or Revolver clip deals double damage. |
If an enemy gets too close before you are able to take them out with a well-placed headshot, some melee weapons will be ideal to finish the job. My personal favorite for this type of build is to use the Blades Skill Tree with a powerful Katana like Satori. Some of the best Blades Perks are listed below.
Best Blades Skill Tree Perks
Sting Like A Bee | Increases attack speed with Blades by (10% | 20% | 30%). (3 Ranks) |
Slow And Steady | Moving while wielding a Blade increases Armor by (15% | 30%). (2 Ranks) |
Blessed Blade | Increases Crit Chance with Blades by 10%. |
Judge, Jury and Executioner | Increases damage with Blades by (50% | 75% | 100%) against enemies with max Health. (3 Ranks) |
Deathbolt | While wielding a Blade, defeating an enemy restores 20% Health and increases movement speed by 30% for 5 seconds. |
Placing points into the Body Attribute also makes sense for this build as we will want to use the Athletics Skill Tree for greater mobility and combat prowess like the Mulitasker perk which lets us shoot while running and jumping.
Best Athletics Skill Tree Perks
Pack Mule | Increases carrying capacity by 60. |
True Grit | Increases max Stamina by (10% | 20% | 30%). (3 Ranks) |
Wolverine | Health regeneration activates (20% | 40% | 60%) faster during combat. (3 Ranks) |
Multitasker | Lets you shoot while sprinting, sliding and jumping at the same time. |
Divided Attention | Allows you to reload weapons while sprinting, sliding and vaulting. |
Tenacious V | Getting hit does not interrupt Health regeneration. |
Invincible | Increases max Health by 15%. |
Indestructible | Reduces all incoming damage by 10%. |
The main focus of this build will be handguns of course. I recommend Pistols for their slightly faster rate of fire, though Revolvers can pack a huge punch. Whatever you choose, look for a handgun with the highest single shot damage score, not necessarily DPS. A great early option is the Iconic Pistol Dying Night which can be obtained near V’s Apartment.
As a backup, Katanas can be a nice option for when a few enemies get too close. If you prefer melee weapons using the Street brawler Skill Tree can also be used in place of Blades
Several Cyberware pieces will make us a better gunslinger, including the powerful Sandevistan – an operating system that can turn on time dilation (slow motion) for a short period of time.
For more great Cyberware options and more information on where to find them check out the Gun-Fu Expert Build Guide.

Life Path
Finally, in terms of the Life Path for this build, I will be playing a similar set up myself using the Nomad Lifepath as this probably has the best backstory for a gunslinger style character due to our starting location in the Badlands.
Complete Gun-Fu Expert Build Guide
Updated! The Gun-Fu Expert Build now has its own complete Written Guide for the latest Cyberpunk 2077 Patch! You can see every required Perk as well as starting and final attribute distributions, and recommended quickhacks and cyberware!
The Gun-Fu Build in Cyberpunk 2077 specialize in close range, time-slowed Pistols and melee combat! Blow your enemies away with massive Head Shot damage before they can even blink!
Build #7 – The Engineer
Last, but not least, the #7 build on our list is the Engineer, a shot-gun toting, grenade chucking, tech-weapon specialist.

Primary Attributes
For this build, we’ll definitely want significant Attribute points dropped into the Technical Ability Stat for both the Crafting and Engineering Skill Trees. Engineering specifically will be a huge part of this build, with lots of Perks dedicated to grenades.
Important Engineering Skill Tree Perks
Revamp | Increases your Tech Weapon damage by 25% |
Mech Looter | This perk enables you to loot scrap from drones, robots, and mechs. Furthermore, you have a 30% chance of finding weapon parts. |
Blast Shielding | Reduces explosion damage taken by 10%. |
Shrapnel | Adds 20 additional damage to all previous effects. |
Grenadier | You can see the blast radius of grenades |
Reverse Engineering | Allows you to remove weapon mods. |
Can’t Touch This | Makes you immune to the damage dealt by your own grenades. |
We will want to put points into the Body Attribute as well for that Annihilation Skill Tree to power our Shotguns as this seems like an effective way to preemptively trigger explosions and grenades when your enemy least expects it.
As far as weapons, using Tech Weapons again seems to be the way to go as the Tech Shotgun can punch through walls very effectively and also will be empowered further by the many Tech Weapon Perks found in the Engineering Skill Tree. My favorite Tech Shotgun is the Satara DB-2, which fires two massive rounds. And remember, charging your shotgun before firing will make those rounds even more devasting!

Life Path
And of course any Life Path in Cyberpunk 2077 is possible but for roleplaying a crafty, tinkerer type build, Nomad seems to be the go to as we know that working on cars is part of that basegame story.
Complete Engineer Build Guide
Updated 12/20: The Engineer Now has a Complete Written Build Guide!
The Shotgun Toting, Grenade-chucking, Tech Weapon specialist.
Keep Exploring Cyberpunk 2077 with these helpful guides!
Roach Race is a new mini-game available in Cyberpunk 2077. Play as Roach from the Witcher Series to dodge under and jump over enemies to earn BIG rewards!
The five unique Attributes in Cyberpunk 2077 are Body, Intelligence, Reflexes, Technical and Cool. Each Attribute lets you improve specific Skill Trees that contain Perks.
There are 12 unique Skills in Cyberpunk 2077. Each Skill Tree has multiple Perks which you can unlock to make your character stronger and grant them more abilities. Skills are linked to the five Attributes in Cyberpunk 2077.
As part of the character creation process in Cyberpunk 2077 you must choose a lifepath for your character. Your Lifepath determines your starting area and starting missions in the game. The three options for Lifepaths are: Nomad, Street Kid, and Corporate.
Cyberware allows players to enhance their character’s body beyond its human limits with customized cybernetic implants. The three types of Cyberware are Active, Triggered and Passive. Cyberware is installed in one of V’s open body slots.
Cyberpunk 2077 includes melee weapons such as Katanas and guns such as Handguns and Rifles. Guns in Cyberpunk 2077 can be further categorized into Power Weapons, Tech Weapons and Smart Weapons.
Every Car and Vehicle in Cyberpunk 2077 looks unique and offers a unique driving experience. Vehicles can be bought or stolen. The types of Vehicles in Cyberpunk 2077 include Economy Vehicles, Executive Vehicles, Heavy Duty Vehicles, Sport Vehicles, Hypercars and Motorcycles.
Hack The Minotaur (HTM) is a professional Gaming Blogger and Youtube Creator with decades of experience in Gaming. Hack is the owner of HackTheMinotaur.com – an Elder Scrolls focused site for character builds and guides, and now Cyberpunkcentral.com – your source for unique Cyberpunk 2077 guides, builds and more!
Hack loves gaming content, particularly Traditional RPG’s, Action RPG’s and MMO’s. Go check out his YouTube Channel for even more builds and guides on popular series like the Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Cyberpunk and make sure to check out his social media for updates on what content is coming next!
Cyberpunk 2077 Gun Fu Build
Gun-Fu Builds in Cyberpunk 2077
specialize in close range, time-slowed Pistols and Hand-to-hand combat! Ready to bust some heads and blast some brains? Read on!
Ultimate Cyberpunk 2077 Edgerunners Build! Fight Like David Martinez!
This Cyberpunk 2077 Build Guides shows you exactly how to play the game like David Martinez, from Stats, Gear, Cyberware, Perks and More!
Powerful Cyberpunk 2077 Quickhacks!
Quickhacks are Cyberpunk 2077’s version of Spells, providing powerful damage and control effects!
Cyberpunk 2077 Netrunner Build – The Ghost
The Ghost Build for Cyberpunk 2077 is the Ultimate Netrunner! Breach and Hack your way to the top of Night City!
The BEST Shotgun Build In Cyberpunk 2077 – The Strong Solo
Ready to get up close and personal? This build DELETES enemy health bars while also absorbing TONS of damage!